Gov't spokesman Muraoka's statement on sanctions on India

TOKYO, May 13 Kyodo - The following is the full text of a statement made Wednesday by Chief Cabinet Secretary Kanezo Muraoka on Japan's punitive actions against India's nuclear testing.

1. It is extremely regrettable that India conducted nuclear testing on May 11, defying the global trend toward a ban on nuclear testing. On May 12, Foreign Minister Keizo Obuchi summoned Mr. (Siddharth) Singh, ambassador of India in Tokyo, and expressed our dismay, stating that Japan strongly urges the Indian Government to stop its development of nuclear weapons at an early stage.

2. This nuclear testing by India is a challenge to the efforts by the international society which seeks a world free from nuclear weapons, and can never be tolerated. Japan reiterates its demand that India stop nuclear testing immediately and sign NPT and CTBT at an early stage. 3. Therefore, the Government has decided to take the following measures in view of the principle of the ODA Charter;

(1) Grant-in-aid for new projects will be frozen, except emergency and humanitarian aid and Grant Assistance for Grassroots Projects.

(2) The Government will decide on specific measures on yen loan programs toward India, examining the actions to be taken by the Indian side.

(3) Regarding the India Development Forum (IDF) to be chaired by the World Bank in Tokyo on June 30 and July 1, 1998, the Government will inform the World Bank that Japan wishes to withdraw its intention to host this meting in Tokyo.

4. Japan is also determined to maintain its strict control on transfers of items and technologies related to weapons of mass-destruction to India.
