Let's Share Hiroshima!


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English Challenge



また、ジュニアライターに関する投稿もありました。広島市中区の vine eggs さんは「Young people's positive action gives me positive energy.(若い人たちの積極的な活動に元気をもらいます)」と書いていました。

vine eggs さんのエッセーには、「英語に挑戦」について「I was satisfied only reading it at first, but I began to write essays since last year.(最初は読んでいるだけで満足していましたが、昨年からエッセーを書き始めました)」と記してありました。彼女と同じように、このコーナーを読むだけで満足している人が多いのではないでしょうか。次はあなたの番です!ぜひ投稿してみてください。ガンバッテクダサイネ!


What are your impressions of Hiroshima Koku?


I have been writing the "English Challenge" column since the first issue of Hiroshima Koku, in January 2007. Although I don't work directly with the junior writers, from time to time I see them at the Chugoku Shimbun. And, of course, because I help with the English translation of their articles for the Hiroshima Koku website, I read every article carefully. To be honest, I wish there was a way to spread the idealism and the positive energy of the junior writers to people everywhere. I think the world would be a better place with more of this youthful idealism and positive energy. I think many adults positive energy that young people like the junior writers offer us is a great gift. It reminds us that, inside us all, still have that same kind of bright spirit for the challenges of life.



Ms. vine eggs : Congratulations on your new job! I love libraries and I often go to the children's library in town. I think I would enjoy being a librarian. And thank you for your comments about Hiroshima Koku. I'm pleased that you're a regular reader and now a faithful contributor to English Challenge, too. Here's your first sentence, expressed a little more naturally: "Hiroshima Koku is an important column for me, because it gives me the opportunity to think about peace and study English again."

Ms. MURATA : Yes, the junior writers certainly have passion for their work. I found their articles on animal welfare very interesting, too. I always learn something new from the Hiroshima Koku articles. Thank you for another essay. Your writing continues to improve. Just be careful about "singular" and "plural." Because there are many junior writers, we have to say: "The junior writers of Hiroshima Koku always take up an interesting theme."

Mr. SOS : I'm grateful for your kind comments about Hiroshima Koku and English Challenge. You're a fine writer and I always look forward to reading your essays. One suggestion from your last essay: In the first sentence, it would be more natural to use the verb "become aware of" or "learn of/about" instead of "know." I realize "know" is possible in Japanese, but we don't normally use it this way in English to mean "find out something new." So the first sentence, rewritten, might look like this: "It was July 26, 2007 that I first became aware of a Japanese-English translation assignment in Hiroshima Koku."



In what ways do you try to save energy in your home?
Is there anything more you can do to save energy?

I have a story to tell. I had a computer for many years. It was an old computer, but I didn't have any serious troubles with it. Then one morning I pushed the button to turn it on and nothing happened. I panicked, of course, then finally it started working again. But after that I was worried: If I turn it off again, will be able to turn it on? So for a while I didn't turn it off at all. I felt bad about that, because I knew I should turn it off when I wasn't using it. But I was worried that it wouldn't start again. Finally, though, because I felt guilty about it, I turned it off. And I was right! It wouldn't turn on again! It was dead! That's when I had to buy a new computer. And now I always turn off my computer when I'm not using it. (Well, almost always...)

serious troubles=重大なトラブル, turn on=(スイッチを)入れる, turn off=(スイッチを)切る, panic=動転する, worried=心配する, feel guilty=後ろめたい



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