Let's Share Hiroshima!


アダム・ベック アダム・ベック


English Challenge


広島県府中町のSOS男さんは、今回の大震災を受け「I'd like to gather necessary items for survival in the event of an earthquake and a minimum number of my family's valuables in one place. I'd like to confirm some evacuation routes, areas, and urgent contact information...(万が一の地震に備え、生き延びるために必要な物を集め、最小限の家族の貴重品を一つにまとめたい。そして避難経路や場所、緊急連絡先などを確かめたい)」と書いていました。実は、私も同じような行動をしました。災害が起きると考えている人はあまりいないと思います。私の家でも、大地震など災害に対する備えを全くしていませんでした。今回、SOS男さんが書いたような準備を少しずつ始めています。



Please write something related to the earthquake and tsunami. What are your thoughts, feelings, impressions, or experiences?


The victims of the terrible earthquake and tsunami are facing so many hardships: losing loved ones, losing their homes and belongings, losing their communities. In some cases, people have lost everything except their own lives. Donating money and goods is, of course, one important way that everyone can help. Another important way to respond is for us to keep in our minds how precious life is. When I see people who have so much, in the blink of an eye, it reminds me that I must live each day of my life as fully as I can. And if I can live with that kind of positive spirit, perhaps I can have a more positive impact on the world, too, during my time here on earth. As I watched the shocking scenes of the tsunami, I thought of the old expression "Seize the day." Let us remember to live, live, live, while we have the gift of life.



Mr. SOS男 : I have very similar feelings, I think. Part of me would like to go to the affected areas and lend support to the people there directly...but I think I can probably be more helpful from here by making contributions of money and food and sharing information about the disaster through the Hiroshima Peace Media Center. I appreciate your wise advice about preparing for a disaster here in Hiroshima. As I imagine you noticed in the newspaper, I made a few small changes to your text so it would read more naturally. Please keep up the good work!

Ms. Mackey : Thank you for writing again! I know it's a busy time for you! It's nice that you could help after the earthquake in Hiroshima. I'm sure the people you visited were really grateful for the support. As for your writing, you're doing fine--just continue to express your thoughts as clearly as you can. Here's one small tip: In the last sentence ("When I know this earthquake..."), instead of the verb "know," it's better to use "hear(d) about" or "learn(ed) about."

Ms. MURATA : Yes, earthquakes are scary things. I felt several strong earthquakes when I lived in San Francisco, but I was out of town when the most damaging earthquake struck. I was lucky. I hope you'll have a chance to see your family and friends in Sendai again soon. About your essay, this sentence would be more natural if expressed in this way: "It was such a strong earthquake that we had trouble standing" or “The earthquake was so strong that we had trouble standing.” Keep studying! You're doing well!



What are your impressions of Hiroshima Koku?

I have been writing the "English Challenge" column since the first issue of Hiroshima Koku, in January 2007. Although I don't work directly with the junior writers, from time to time I see them at the Chugoku Shimbun. And, of course, because I help with the English translation of their articles for the Hiroshima Koku website, I read every article carefully. To be honest, I wish there was a way to spread the idealism and the positive energy of the junior writers to people everywhere. I think the world would be a better place with more of this youthful idealism and positive energy. I think many adults positive energy that young people like the junior writers offer us is a great gift. It reminds us that, inside us all, still have that same kind of bright spirit for the challenges of life.

column=コラム、記事, from time to time=時々, spread=広める, idealism=理想, positive energy=前向きな力, negative=否定的な



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