Let's Share Hiroshima!


アダム・ベック アダム・ベック


Hello again ! 前回のテーマ(交通機関、パズルの答えはTRAIN)について届いたエッセーは、路面電車(MURATAさん)やバス(Brotherさん)、新幹線(SOSさん)などさまざまな内容でした。しかし、いずれのエッセーも交通機関を高く評価してありました。私にとっては、日本の交通機関は、時間が正確という点もありがたいです。交通機関の時間については、私が体験したケースも含めて、米国では数々の「恐ろしい話」がありますから


Transportation (交通機関)
The world has changed so much over the past few generations. And one big reason for this change is transportation. New forms of transportation, including the car and the airplane, have made the world a much smaller place. As a result, there is a lot more opportunity for interaction among the people of different countries. Of course, this can be helpful for building understanding and peace. At the same time, however, these new forms of transportation have also made it easier for nations to wage war. Like all technology, human beings use transportation in ways that help build peace, but also spread violence. The continuing challenge for humanity is to use our technology to increase the peace and decrease the violence.



Mr.SOS男 : I envy the trip you took to Kyoto. I like Kyoto very much, but I haven't been there in many years. It's actually quite close by shinkansen, isn't it? Anyway, thank you for your essay. As usual, it was well-written. One small suggestion: the expression "spend time" is followed only by a gerund (an -ing verb). For example, "we spent the rest of the time seeing some sights" or "I enjoy spending time watching old movies."

Ms. MURATA : Thanks for your essay. First, it's best to call this kind of transportation simply "streetcar" or "tram." I enjoy the streetcars in Hiroshima, too, though I don't have much chance to ride them these days. When I lived in Ujina, I rode the streetcar almost every day! One more hint about your essay: instead of "I couldn't used to it for first," say "I couldn't get used to it at first."

Ms. Brother : I agree, sometimes it's a lot more relaxing to take the bus or train, rather than the car. But the last bus trip I took wasn't much fun: it was an overnight bus to Tokyo! I couldn't sleep much at all! Your essay was very good. Occasionally you drop needed articles ("the" or "a"), but overall your writing is strong. One more thing: the verb "concentrate" needs the preposition "on" followed by a gerund (as in "concentrate on driving").

Ms. aki : Thank you for your note! If you have time, please write a short essay for me about "IT" or another topic in the future! I look forward to hearing from you again!

102号クロスワードパズルの正解はこちら >>

さて今回の課題は、特集にちなんで「IT(情報技術)」です。クロスワードパズルの問題もITに関したものですが、今回は数個の文字をあらかじめ入れてあります。太い線で囲んだ文字もIT関連の単語になります。あなたが使っているのはパソコン? それともスマートフォン(多機能携帯電話)? ITについてのエッセーもお待ちしています。



As today's feature article shows, IT can be very useful for interacting with others. Using the Internet, we can now share information and exchange views with people almost anywhere. In terms of handing down the A-bomb experience, IT has become an important new tool. Websites can offer the written accounts of A-bomb survivors and videos can convey their stories. At the same time, because the amount of information on the Internet has grown so large, creating an audience for a website has become a big challenge. It isn't enough to produce a website and simply hope that people will find it. For those seeking to spread the A-bomb experience online, making efforts to attract an audience is important, too.




住所( 都道府県 )
住所( 市町村以下住所 )