
Junior Writers Reporting

Hiroshima University students make continuing efforts to support earthquake victims

Students of Hiroshima University, acting as volunteers, have established a group called “OPERATION TIES” to aid the victims of last year’s major earthquake and tsunami in eastern Japan.

To date, the group, based in Higashi Hiroshima, has attracted 80 students and they have made four trips to the affected area. During these visits, they have organized gatherings in community spots in temporary housing facilities, where they enjoy handicrafts and woodworking with the people living there. They also have gone door to door at these facilities, visiting with the residents to engage in conversation and listen closely to their stories.

One member of the group, Fumika Date, 20, a junior in the faculty of education, has taken part in three of these trips to eastern Japan. “We’ve paid several visits to them and they’ve told us how happy they are to see us again,” she said. She is now exchanging letters with an elderly woman that she met through these visits.

A leader of the group, Akari Ichigi, 20, a junior in the faculty of economics, told us, “The people there are most afraid of being forgotten.” She said that the group will continue its efforts to support the victims of eastern Japan. (Sachiko Kitayama, 15, and Yumi Kimura, 16)

(Originally Published on May 14, 2012)
