

Jul. 18, 2024
Hiroshima Roundtable compiles draft of policy recommendations for no first use of nuclear weapons
Jul. 17, 2024
Hiroshima City to review invitation criteria for Peace Memorial Ceremony in preparation for 80th anniversary of A-bombing
Jul. 12, 2024
Hiroshima invites Israel to Peace Memorial Ceremony; Palestine condemns city, saying victims, not perpetrators, should be invited
Jul. 9, 2024
Record 115 nations to attend Peace Memorial Ceremony, with Israel expected to participate, Hiroshima City government says
Jul. 6, 2024
Determined to hand down on A-bomb experiences
Jul. 4, 2024
Sculpture based on A-bomb victim’s tricycle to go on display at museum in Geneva
Jul. 2, 2024
Health Ministry’s report: Number of A-bomb survivors falls below 110,000 for the end of March, average age 85.58
Jul. 1, 2024
Niece of Southern Special Student Yusof visits grave at temple in Hiroshima and expresses her intention to convey the story of his life in her homeland
