
A-bombed Hiroshima -- A local newspaper's look at themes of A-bombing, peace

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Pick up

  • 広島原爆の視覚的資料
  • 松重 美人さんが見たヒロシマ
  • デジタルストーリーテリング
  • ヒロシマの声
  • 広島サミット
  • 広島サミット特別紙面
  • 広島の空白-街並み再現-
  • 被爆前の広島
  • まんが 被爆地の新聞社
  • 1945 原爆と中国新聞
  • ヒロシマの空白 被爆75年
  • 平和記念公園を歩く

Survivors' Stories

Survivors’ Stories: Fumie Yoshida, 95, Higashi Ward, Hiroshima City
Survivors’ Stories: Tomie Mito, 106, Fuchu-cho, Hiroshima―Her father died in the atomic bombing, and her unborn child was exposed
Survivors’ Stories: Kiyomi Kono, 93, Naka Ward, Hiroshima City
Survivors’ Stories: Masaru Kurisu, 85, Naka Ward, Hiroshima City
Survivors’ Stories: Yoshitsugu Tamaru, 85, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima City

The Chugoku Shimbun Junior Writers Reporting

Junior Writers Reporting: There are no nuclear weapons on a sustainable planet

January 22, 2024, marked the third anniversary of the effectuation of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which bans the production, possession and use of nuclear weapons. In time


Peace Movies

Media exchange with U.S. Ambassador Rahm Emanuel in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park on March 26, 2022



Silent Witness

Yutaka Tateda’s steel helmet. His family placed his remains and belongings inside and brought everything back home with them. (Donated by Mitsuko Yamanouchi in 2004; photo taken by Naohiro Yamada)
