

Hiroshima Gensuikyo to send A-bomb survivor to international conference in December, 23 to NPT Review Conference next year

by Michiko Tanaka, Staff Writer

On October 24, the Hiroshima chapter of the Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Gensuikyo) announced that it will send a delegate to the third conference on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons in Vienna, Austria, taking place December 8 and 9. Kazuo Okoshi, 74, secretary general of the Hiroshima Prefectural Confederation of A-bomb Sufferers Organizations, chaired by Kazushi Kaneko, will be the first representative of Hiroshima Gensuikyo to be dispatched to the conference. This plan was announced at a gathering in Hiroshima to prepare for the Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), scheduled for next year in New York.

Mr. Okoshi and other delegates from across the country dispatched by the national Gensuikyo organization will call on representatives of national governments taking part in the conference to support the abolition of nuclear weapons.

At the gathering, 23 representatives chosen to attend the NPT Review Conference were also introduced. They are between the ages of 19 and 78, and many are survivors and the children and grandchildren of survivors. Each one spoke in front of 40 people and stated such resolutions as: “I believe the efforts made by each and every person can help change the world and I will work hard for the organization’s signature drive.” “I hope to absorb the wishes of A-bomb survivors and convey them to the participants of the conference.”

Gensuikyo’s Hiroshima chapter is aiming to dispatch 50 delegates to the NPT Review Conference and will continue recruiting members of the delegation.

(Originally published on October 25, 2014)
