

A-bomb survivors fiercely criticize India-Japan nuclear agreement

by Kazuaki Yamamoto, Staff Writer

On December 18, the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo) released a statement which denounces the nuclear agreement that has been essentially agreed upon by the governments of Japan and India. This agreement, fiercely opposed by Hidankyo, will enable Japan to export its technology for nuclear power plants to India.

Stressing the fact that India holds nuclear weapons yet has not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), Hidankyo emphasized that concluding the nuclear agreement goes against global public opinion, which seeks the abolition of nuclear arms. The group also stated that it was unacceptable for Japan, the only A-bombed nation, to provide India with technical cooperation in the name of the peaceful use of nuclear power, and that the agreement between the two governments should instead be focused on India’s participation in the NPT.

Hidankyo’s statement also referred to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi (No. 1) nuclear power plant, decrying Japan’s desire to export its nuclear technology. Without clear prospects for resolving the damage caused by the nuclear accident at home, the group argues that this step could threaten India’s land and people.

(Originally published on December 19, 2015)
