Peace messages from overseas members of Mayors for Peace 2
Oct. 9, 2015
Forty-seven peace messages from 19 nations arrived at the Chugoku Shimbun from members of Mayors for Peace. The newspaper company, seeking to boost momentum for nuclear abolition, called for peace messages in connection with the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing.
Canada (Salmon Arm): Mayor Nancy Cooper
In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I am pleased to send this letter on behalf of both myself and Council for the City of Salmon Arm, expressing our overwhelming support of a peaceful future, free of nuclear arms. Students raised money to have a pole representing peace erected in Marine Peace Park, Salmon Arm, BC. We also wish to convey once again our deepest sympathies for those who were and continue to be affected by the devastating attacks.
Canada (Winnipeg): Mayor Brian Bowman
As we reflect upon on the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings and the end of World War II, it is important that we take time to reflect on not only the terrible human and physical devastation the war caused and recognize our need to abolish nuclear arms worldwide. Peace efforts around the globe will be greatly encouraged and supported if countries disarm, and disarming is the right thing to do.
France (Villetaneuse): Maire Carinne Juste
Notre commune s’est engagée dans défense de la Paix et dans la culture de paix. Notre pays doit respecter ses engagements dans le cadre du traité de non prolifération dont il est signataire. Je demande le renforcement de ce traité pour éliminer ces armes, les gouvernements des pays détenteurs doivent entamer des négociations immédiates afin d’établir au plus vite une convention universelle. A l’heure où l’on réduit la dotation budgétaire dans notre pays, un monde sans armes permettrait de libérer des moyens colossaux pour le développement et le bien être de l’humain. Nous devons agir résolument pour la Paix.
Italy (Faenza): Mayor Giovanni Malpezzi
Peace is building a society of freedom and justice. Let Hiroshima be the symbol of this culture of peace.
Italy (Thiene): Mayor Giovanni Casarotto
Hiroshima atomic bombing has been a deep wound in the conscience and culture of all Nations, which consequences and memory still move feelings of sadness and we think that only sharing the strong belief that we are all members of a one_and_only comunity in which we need each other, and commitment for respect and peace shall be our everyday responsibility, we can build up a nonviolent and wellbeing society for us, for our children and friends and for all humankind.
Luxembourg (Pétange): Bourgmestre Pierre Mellina
Suite à votre requête pour la publication d'un article dans votre journal en commemoration du 70e anniversaire des bombardements atomiques de Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, permettez-nous de vous rappeler que, par décision du 29 septembre 2008, la Commune de Pétange a adhéré au Mouvement « Mayor for Peace ». En outre, notre conseil communal a demandé l'application immédiate du traité de nonproliferation et en particulier de son article VI qui prévoit l'élimination des armes nucléaires sous contrôle international strict et efficace. Le Luxembourg, ainsi que l'Union Européenne prennent des initiatives concrètes et soutenues en vue de l'application de ce traité. De plus, notre Commune soutient la Campagne Vision 2020 ayant pour but final l'abolition totale des armes nucléaires d'ici à 2020. Pour ainsi soutenir le Mouvement « Mayors for Peace », notre conseil communal a décidé le 20 janvier 2014 de payer une cotisation annuelle de 300,OO€.
New Zealand (Auckland): Mayor Len Brown
As Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand and a Mayor of Peace, I lead a council committed to peace, justice, equality and tolerance. New Zealanders are fiercely proud of being a nuclear-free country. Auckland is a Pacific Rim city with strong links to Japan, and I am honoured to stand alongside my Japanese friends and my fellow Mayors for Peace, as we approach the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, to strengthen and promote the principles of peace and non-violence.
New Zealand (Wellington): Mayor Celia Wade Brown
In 2014 I visited Hiroshima. I saw the devastation caused by nuclear weapons with sorrow. I also recognise that violence is devastating in all its forms – be it within families, communities, cities, or between nations. I stand with the victims of the atomic bombs, and Mayors from throughout the world with pride and honour to call on all nations to abolish nuclear weaponry and remove the possibility of nuclear war from our future.
Portugal (Grândola): Mayor António Figueira Mendes
On the 6th and 9th August 1945 humankind knew one of the darkest pages of its history, with the nuclear bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The atomic bombs caused death and suffering on an inconceivable scale and its lethal effects persisted over time. The horror experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki cannot happen again. Grândola, Vila Morena, a symbol of the Carnation Revolution, that restored freedom and dignity to the Portuguese people, wants to be at the forefront of the worldwide movement aiming the total eradication of nuclear weapons and to build a world of peace, justice and solidarity.
Russia (St. Petersburg): Governor Georgy Poltavchenko
On behalf of the Government and citizens of St. Petersburg I would like to express to the people of Japan our most sincere condolences on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Millions of people died during World War II in many countries. It is the greatest tragedy that still brings pain to mankind. Leningrad endured enormous hardships during the war. Our city survived the 900-day Siege. Leningraders suffered from starvation and cold, bombing and shelling. Therefore our citizens sympathize with the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in their tragedy. Horrors of the war should never gain control over human reason. We are not able to change the past but we should do our best to ensure that the brutal murdering of millions of people will never happen again. I wish all the nations well-being, prosperity and peace.
Canada (Salmon Arm): Mayor Nancy Cooper
In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I am pleased to send this letter on behalf of both myself and Council for the City of Salmon Arm, expressing our overwhelming support of a peaceful future, free of nuclear arms. Students raised money to have a pole representing peace erected in Marine Peace Park, Salmon Arm, BC. We also wish to convey once again our deepest sympathies for those who were and continue to be affected by the devastating attacks.
Canada (Winnipeg): Mayor Brian Bowman
As we reflect upon on the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings and the end of World War II, it is important that we take time to reflect on not only the terrible human and physical devastation the war caused and recognize our need to abolish nuclear arms worldwide. Peace efforts around the globe will be greatly encouraged and supported if countries disarm, and disarming is the right thing to do.
France (Villetaneuse): Maire Carinne Juste
Notre commune s’est engagée dans défense de la Paix et dans la culture de paix. Notre pays doit respecter ses engagements dans le cadre du traité de non prolifération dont il est signataire. Je demande le renforcement de ce traité pour éliminer ces armes, les gouvernements des pays détenteurs doivent entamer des négociations immédiates afin d’établir au plus vite une convention universelle. A l’heure où l’on réduit la dotation budgétaire dans notre pays, un monde sans armes permettrait de libérer des moyens colossaux pour le développement et le bien être de l’humain. Nous devons agir résolument pour la Paix.
Italy (Faenza): Mayor Giovanni Malpezzi
Peace is building a society of freedom and justice. Let Hiroshima be the symbol of this culture of peace.
Italy (Thiene): Mayor Giovanni Casarotto
Hiroshima atomic bombing has been a deep wound in the conscience and culture of all Nations, which consequences and memory still move feelings of sadness and we think that only sharing the strong belief that we are all members of a one_and_only comunity in which we need each other, and commitment for respect and peace shall be our everyday responsibility, we can build up a nonviolent and wellbeing society for us, for our children and friends and for all humankind.
Luxembourg (Pétange): Bourgmestre Pierre Mellina
Suite à votre requête pour la publication d'un article dans votre journal en commemoration du 70e anniversaire des bombardements atomiques de Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, permettez-nous de vous rappeler que, par décision du 29 septembre 2008, la Commune de Pétange a adhéré au Mouvement « Mayor for Peace ». En outre, notre conseil communal a demandé l'application immédiate du traité de nonproliferation et en particulier de son article VI qui prévoit l'élimination des armes nucléaires sous contrôle international strict et efficace. Le Luxembourg, ainsi que l'Union Européenne prennent des initiatives concrètes et soutenues en vue de l'application de ce traité. De plus, notre Commune soutient la Campagne Vision 2020 ayant pour but final l'abolition totale des armes nucléaires d'ici à 2020. Pour ainsi soutenir le Mouvement « Mayors for Peace », notre conseil communal a décidé le 20 janvier 2014 de payer une cotisation annuelle de 300,OO€.
New Zealand (Auckland): Mayor Len Brown
As Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand and a Mayor of Peace, I lead a council committed to peace, justice, equality and tolerance. New Zealanders are fiercely proud of being a nuclear-free country. Auckland is a Pacific Rim city with strong links to Japan, and I am honoured to stand alongside my Japanese friends and my fellow Mayors for Peace, as we approach the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, to strengthen and promote the principles of peace and non-violence.
New Zealand (Wellington): Mayor Celia Wade Brown
In 2014 I visited Hiroshima. I saw the devastation caused by nuclear weapons with sorrow. I also recognise that violence is devastating in all its forms – be it within families, communities, cities, or between nations. I stand with the victims of the atomic bombs, and Mayors from throughout the world with pride and honour to call on all nations to abolish nuclear weaponry and remove the possibility of nuclear war from our future.
Portugal (Grândola): Mayor António Figueira Mendes
On the 6th and 9th August 1945 humankind knew one of the darkest pages of its history, with the nuclear bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The atomic bombs caused death and suffering on an inconceivable scale and its lethal effects persisted over time. The horror experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki cannot happen again. Grândola, Vila Morena, a symbol of the Carnation Revolution, that restored freedom and dignity to the Portuguese people, wants to be at the forefront of the worldwide movement aiming the total eradication of nuclear weapons and to build a world of peace, justice and solidarity.
Russia (St. Petersburg): Governor Georgy Poltavchenko
On behalf of the Government and citizens of St. Petersburg I would like to express to the people of Japan our most sincere condolences on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Millions of people died during World War II in many countries. It is the greatest tragedy that still brings pain to mankind. Leningrad endured enormous hardships during the war. Our city survived the 900-day Siege. Leningraders suffered from starvation and cold, bombing and shelling. Therefore our citizens sympathize with the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in their tragedy. Horrors of the war should never gain control over human reason. We are not able to change the past but we should do our best to ensure that the brutal murdering of millions of people will never happen again. I wish all the nations well-being, prosperity and peace.