- Mar. 30, 2018
- Group of Eminent Persons submits recommendations to Japanese foreign minister, urges government to serve as “bridge”
- Mar. 30, 2018
- Miyoko Matsubara, who took part in World Peace Pilgrimage, dies at 85
- Mar. 28, 2018
- Group of Eminent Persons Conference makes recommendations for enhancing NPT regime
- Mar. 18, 2018
- Experts at international symposium in Hiroshima discuss “Nuclear Weapons, Governance and Peace in Asia”
- Mar. 16, 2018
- Sri Lankan president visits Hiroshima, vows to make efforts to help prevent a similar A-bomb tragedy
- Mar. 16, 2018
- Hiroshima mayor refuses to recognize foreign minister’s positive view of U.S. Nuclear Posture Review
- Mar. 15, 2018
- Peace Seeds: Teens in Hiroshima Sow Seeds of Peace (Part 54)
- Mar. 10, 2018
- A-bomb survivors respond to announcement of U.S.-North Korea summit with hope for progress in nuclear abolition
- Mar. 9, 2018
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki send letter to Obama Foundation, invite former president to visit A-bombed cities
- Mar. 7, 2018
- UN official visits Hiroshima, believes UN Secretary-General is interested in coming to A-bombed city
- Mar. 4, 2018
- Experts and young people gather in Hiroshima to discuss how citizens can work together to advance nuclear disarmament
- Mar. 2, 2018
- Speaker of Sri Lankan Parliament visits Hiroshima Peace Park, speaks positively about ratifying nuclear weapons ban treaty