

Hiroshima Summit, May 19-21: Chugoku Shimbun sets up portal page to provide quick and easy access to news and life information

The Chugoku Shimbun has set up a portal page within the Chugoku Shimbun Digital website for the summit meeting of the G7 (The Group of Seven industrialized nations) to be held in May to provide quick and easy access to related news and life information. With less than 100 days until the opening of the summit, the movement of local acceptance is accelerating. With increasing attention on Hiroshima from within Japan and overseas, the Chugoku Shimbun hopes the portal page will serve as a “gateway” to access a wide range of information.

The page introduces daily articles about the efforts of the government, companies, and citizens regarding the Hiroshima Summit. It also features new and old serials and special features that approach the reality of the atomic-bombing and the history of postwar reconstruction, as well as proposals for a peaceful world by people associated with Hiroshima.

In the “@Hiroshima” section, the Chugoku Shimbun posts one topic per day about Hiroshima that you should know about and want to convey to visitors from Japan and overseas. In the future, its own digital content will be added. The content will be gradually enhanced, such as by increasing the amount of information related to daily life, including regulations and restrictions regarding the welcoming of visitors from Japan and overseas.

(Originally published on February 9, 2023)
