

Hiroshima Summit 2023: Citizens groups to propose measures for nuclear abolition, seek action from world leaders at G7 meetin

by Fumiyasu Miyano, Staff Writer

Ahead of the summit meeting of the G7 (Group of Seven industrialized nations), to be held in Hiroshima in May 2023, a group of citizens groups in Japan announced on December 12, 2022, that they would make a proposal concerning the abolition of nuclear weapons at the international conference known as the “Civil7 Summit (C7),” to be held in Tokyo in April 2023. The G7 summit has traditionally focused on economic issues, but the citizens groups participating in the C7 gathering will call on political leaders to also deliberate the issue of nuclear disarmament, given that the G7 summit will be held in the A-bombed city of Hiroshima.

The C7 summit is an international conference held by people in civil society in the country that hosts the G7 summit. At the summit held in Germany in June 2022, the C7 put together five proposals, including those targeting climate change and economic inequality, and presented them to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

At the G7 summit in Hiroshima, the first such meeting to be held in an A-bombed city, the C7 will add nuclear abolition as the sixth proposal. A C7 working committee will be established in January, next year, and discussions about the proposals will be held with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and other nongovernmental organization playing a central role.

On December 12, the G7 Civil Society Coalition, a Tokyo-based organization made up of 100 groups and 53 individuals, held a press conference at Hiroshima City Hall. Aoi Horiuchi, 40, secretary-general of the coalition, said at the time, “Civil society needs to send a message in support of nuclear abolition. We intend to present our proposals to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.”

(Originally published on December 13, 2022)
