

Commitment to Peace

August 6, 2023

What does peace mean to you?
No conflicts or wars.
Accepting differences without discrimination.
Everyone smiling without bad-mouthing others or fighting.
You can find many kinds of peace all around you.

8:15 am on August 6, 1945—
Ear-splitting explosions and skin-blistering heat.
Blood-covered corpses with skin hanging off their bodies float on the surface of the rivers.
A mother calling her child’s name and pleading over and over again open your eyes, just open your eyes!
A single atomic bomb destroyed the city of Hiroshima in an instant and filled it with sorrow.

Why was I left alive?
Survivors guilt plagued my great-grandfather.
The atomic bomb left deep wounds in the hearts of those who survived,
and continued to bring them suffering for living.

It has been 78 years since that day.
Today, Hiroshima is a city full of greenery and smiling faces.
Thank you for surviving.
It’s because you survived that we were given our lives.

And there is something that we can do for others, too.
Thinking about how others feel before saying how we feel.
Finding the good in our friends.
Doing what we can to make others smile.

Now is the time to unite our will for peace.
We will treat the ardent wish of the hibakusha as something personal and use our own words to convey that wish.
We will each take action to pay forward the peace around us.
We, the children of Hiroshima, will build a future that everyone can recognize as peaceful.

Children’s Representatives:
Katsuoka Erena (6th year, Hiroshima City Ushita Elementary School)
Yonehiro Tomoru (6th year, Hiroshima City Itsukaichi-Higashi Elementary School)
