

After four-year interval, participants offer prayers for A-bomb victims with 5,000 lanterns floated on river

by Yuichi Ito, Staff Writer

On the evening of August 6, a lantern floating ceremony to pray for the repose of A-bomb victims and wishes for peace was held along the Motoyasu River Shinsui Terrace (riverbank) on the opposite bank of the A-bomb Dome, located in the city’s Naka Ward. After COVID-19, participants in the ceremony floated lanterns on the river on their own for the first time in four years. About 5,000 lanterns illuminated the surrounding area and filled the atmosphere with solemn prayers.

Shortly after six in the evening, parents and children and foreign visitors began to float their lanterns. Yellow and green lanterns, on which “Live in peace” or “World Peace” were written, could be seen floating down on the river while they swayed back and forth. From both banks of the river, and on the Motoyasu Bridge, they were watched by many people who shared their hearts and thoughts for the A-bomb victims.

Sosuke Yanai, 11, a six-year elementary school student of the city’s Naka Ward who visited the ceremony with his four family members, said, “I wish all conflicts will disappear from the world and the world will only live in peace.”

(Originally published on August 7, 2023)
