

Hiroshima Governor criticizes Japanese government about U.S. subcritical nuclear test, calls on government to make stern protest

by Yuichi Ito, Staff Writer

At a press conference held on May 21, Hiroshima Governor Hidehiko Yuzaki criticized the Japanese government’s uncommitted stance regarding the subcritical nuclear test carried out by the United States on May 14. The government claims the test did not violate the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. “If we overlook the test, it will provide Russia, China and North Korea an excuse to conduct more nuclear tests and strengthen their nuclear deterrents. I want the Japanese government to lodge a stern protest against the nuclear test,” he said.

Saying the importance of nuclear disarmament was shown at the summit of the Group of Seven industrialized nations held in Hiroshima last May, Governor Yuzaki said, “As the only country to have suffered nuclear attacks in war, I hope the government will understand the wishes of the A-bomb survivors and their families and decide what action they should take to make steady progress toward the elimination of nuclear weapons.”

Regarding the proposed amendment to the Local Autonomy Act, which has been deliberated in the Diet and would expand the national government’s authority to direct local governments in preparation for large-scale disasters and infectious disease crises, Governor Yuzaki said, “This is the exact opposite of the principle of local autonomy, and such a right must be exercised in extremely exceptional cases.” He added, “The national government should have prior consultation and coordination with local governments” in exercising the right to give instructions.

(Originally published on May 22, 2024)
