

Hiroshima to make database of information on A-bomb Dome

by Uzaemonnaotsuka Tokai, Staff Writer

The City of Hiroshima will open a database of information on the Atomic Bomb Dome, a World Heritage site and a symbol of the city, on its website next March. Dome-related information, including the history and preservation efforts involving the structure, as well as photographs, will be brought together and made available to the public for free. The city hopes that the database will provide basic information for researching Hiroshima, preparing for school trips to the city, and guiding visitors.

The database will contain the history of the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, now known as the A-bomb Dome, photographs of the building immediately after the atomic bombing, and outlines of the three preservation projects, the first in 1967, the second in 1989-1990, and the third in 2002-2003. The database will also include photographs inside the dome, usually a restricted area, that will explain how the structure is reinforced. The inside of the dome will also be featured in a 360-degree panoramic image.

The City of Hiroshima often receives inquiries from children and students who are trying to make replicas of the A-bomb Dome as part of their peace education studies. The database will provide an accurate drawing of the structure, with exact measurements, along with information on how to create a replica.

In 2006, the city established an electronic management system by compiling the photo data of the inside walls of the dome, the state of its deterioration, descriptions of the preservation projects, and academic papers. City employees at the Park Development Division who are in charge of the A-bomb Dome have been making use of this system.

Except for information designed for special expertise, such as academic papers, the data compiled in this management system will be made available in the database, while other relevant information at the website will be assimilated. In the future, three-dimensional images and documents on the preservation efforts will be added to the database. An official of the Park Development Division said, “We’re seeking to create a database that can include all important information on the A-bomb Dome.”

(Originally published on August 21, 2009)
