

In FY2020 action plan, Nihon Hidankyo urges Japanese government to strive for abolition of nuclear weapons

by Yo Kono, Staff Writer

The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo) has decided on its action plan for FY2020, the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings. According to its plan, the group will strongly urge the Japanese government, which has thus far been uninterested in the signing and ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, to strive to realize a “nuclear-free world.” Nihon Hidankyo was recently forced to postpone its general assembly meeting, usually held in June, due to the coronavirus pandemic. It instead decided to obtain approval for the action plan in writing from all nationwide Hidankyo organizations.

Nihon Hidankyo considers it shameful that the national government of Japan, the only country in the world to have suffered atomic bombings during war, has continually refused to support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. In its action plan, the group vigorously demands that the Japanese government strive to realize a world free of nuclear weapons.

The 2020 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference, which was to be held in New York in April and May, was postponed, and Nihon Hidankyo subsequently announced it would cancel its plan to send a delegation to the Review Conference. However, the organization is waiting with great anticipation to find out when the Conference will be held in the future and states in its action plan that it will consider what action to take.

The Hiroshima Prefectural Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Hiroshima Hidankyo, chaired by Sunao Tsuboi) had earlier suggested that the action plan should include preservation of the former Army Clothing Depot buildings (in Hiroshima’s Minami Ward), the city’s largest A-bombed structure. Although Hiroshima Hidankyo’s suggestion was not accepted this year, Nihon Hidankyo says it will continue to consider and discuss ways of preserving and utilizing the buildings.

(Originally published on July 2, 2020)
