

May 31, 2021
Hiroshima Peace Volunteers introduce Peace Park memorial monuments online to U.S. elementary school students in new initiative amid coronavirus pandemic
May 28, 2021
Handing down A-bomb experience Observing Obama’s visit to Hiroshima sustains motivation of Akahata, Sakuhara for continuing their activities
May 27, 2021
Yuki Tominaga, granddaughter of deceased A-bomb survivor, to convey grandmother’s message online to US university students
May 24, 2021
Video featuring A-bomb testimonies posted online with subtitles in Pakistan’s official language to send message of peace
May 24, 2021
“ICAN” rose variety produced by Kazuzo Tagashira of Hatsukaichi blooms in actor Sahel Rosa’s garden
May 21, 2021
Genetic effects from exposure to A-bomb radiation not found in RERF reanalysis of postwar study on newborns
May 20, 2021
Hiroshima Prefecture to start preservation work on three A-bombed former Army Clothing Depot buildings as early as next fiscal year
May 15, 2021
Hiroshima City announces Peace Memorial Ceremony to be held on reduced scale with reserved seating only for 880—program will remain same as in typical years
May 14, 2021
Hiroshima City to hold this year’s Peace Memorial Ceremony at a reduced scale again, preparing seating for 10 percent of participants compared to pre-pandemic years.
May 13, 2021
Hiroshima City shortens training periods by one year for A-bomb survivors and ‘memory keepers’ who convey A-bomb memories
May 12, 2021
Sparrows’ nest built in bell of Children’s Peace Monument to be left undisturbed until young birds leave it, City of Hiroshima
May 10, 2021
Peace Memorial Museum to close for third time May 10–June 1
May 5, 2021
Peace Memorial Museum displays new 176 donated A-bomb victims’ personal belongings and photos to convey terrible reality of war
