- Oct. 30, 2020
- Gensuikyo initiates signature drive calling for Japan’s ratification of nuclear ban treaty
- Oct. 29, 2020
- Mitsuo Kodama, A-bomb survivor witness exposed to bomb at First Hiroshima Prefectural Junior High School, has died at 88
- Oct. 29, 2020
- External stakeholder committee on use of stored biosamples in genomic research gives advice to RERF: Exclude military research, obtain A-bomb survivors’ consent
- Oct. 28, 2020
- With nuclear ban treaty set to enter into force next January, Hibakusha Appeal network’s Hiroshima chapter extends international signature drive until year end
- Oct. 28, 2020
- Yamaguchi prefectural governor declares his intent not to sign Hibakusha Appeal to ‘respect Japanese government’s efforts’
- Oct. 28, 2020
- Hiroshima City Council sent proposal requesting government to participate in signatory country’s meeting and ratify nuclear ban treaty
- Oct. 27, 2020
- Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato says government position remains unchanged and is cautious about participation as observer
- Oct. 26, 2020
- TPNW’s entry into force provides ray of hope to Hiroshima’s earnest desire for nuclear abolition: A-bomb survivors vow to continue speaking out
- Oct. 26, 2020
- Responses from Hiroshima citizens and tourists to the nuclear ban treaty’s entry into force next January: “Signs of hope” and “Increase number of participating countries”
- Oct. 26, 2020
- Mayors for Peace sends letters to UN member states to urge nuclear powers to participate in Meeting of States Parties
- Oct. 25, 2020
- Striving to fill voids in Hiroshima 75 years after the atomic bombing—Hidankyo gathers materials on A-bomb survivor movements for organization’s 65th anniversary next year
- Oct. 22, 2020
- Preservation work for A-bomb Dome goes into full swing Scaffolding almost completed Thought given to making outer walls visible
- Oct. 19, 2020
- Tokuhei Tagai, professor emeritus at University of Tokyo, examines A-bombed roof tiles to analyze force of Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bombs
- Oct. 19, 2020
- Miyoshi City NPO offers Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park tour and discussion platforms to elementary, junior high, and high school students
- Oct. 19, 2020
- At annual meeting in Hiroshima city, Mushroom Club welcomes new member and reports on recent activities
- Oct. 15, 2020
- Graffiti found on plate explaining Forest of Hibakusha and park lamps on Hiroshima’s Peace Boulevard
- Oct. 13, 2020
- City plan to invite businesses and attract people to Peace Boulevard faces controversy
- Oct. 12, 2020
- Precise geographic coordinates of hypocenter confirmed by former assistant at Hiroshima University
- Oct. 8, 2020
- Chugoku Shimbun receives Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association Award for 15th time for its “Striving to fill voids in Hiroshima” series
- Oct. 7, 2020
- After campaign is extended, over 12 million signatures calling for nuclear abolition to be submitted to UN in January next year
- Oct. 5, 2020
- U.S. museum in Texas publishes collection of photos taken in 1945 that show reality of atomic bombings unknown to Americans
- Oct. 3, 2020
- With 50 nations to ratify TPNW this month, treaty is expected to take effect in early 2021
- Oct. 2, 2020
- Handing down experiences of the atomic bombing Training for ninth group of memory keepers begins in Hiroshima No applicants to share A-bomb experience, for first time