- May 31, 2010
- U.S. Education Department official urges Hiroshima students to study abroad
- May 31, 2010
- NPT Review Conference closes after unanimous adoption of Final Document
- May 28, 2010
- Nobel Peace laureates to hold summit in Hiroshima in November
- May 28, 2010
- Coordinators for contentious issues are appointed at NPT Review confab
- May 28, 2010
- Chairman of National Parliament of Laos and Lao ambassador to Japan visit Peace Memorial Museum
- May 28, 2010
- Soil samples are collected to discern the area of "black rainfall"
- May 27, 2010
- NPT conference discusses first draft of Final Declaration
- May 26, 2010
- Tinian mayor learns true extent of A-bomb damage
- May 26, 2010
- President of NPT conference proposes draft of agreements
- May 25, 2010
- Original writings for inscription on A-bomb cenotaph are found
- May 25, 2010
- A-bomb survivors share experiences with youths in New York
- May 25, 2010
- Battle over drafting of agreements continues in final week of NPT confab
- May 24, 2010
- 96 volumes of register for A-bomb victims aired
- May 24, 2010
- NPT Watch: Visit the A-bomb exhibition to "remember their original purpose"
- May 24, 2010
- Submission of revised drafts is postponed at NPT Review Conference
- May 24, 2010
- Removal of target years for nuclear abolition stirs criticism at NPT confab
- May 21, 2010
- Target years are removed from initial draft on nuclear abolition at NPT
- May 20, 2010
- Conflicts emerge in NPT discussions over draft agreements
- May 20, 2010
- NPT Watch: Are negotiations being conducted in good faith?
- May 20, 2010
- 50 percent of A-bomb survivors in South Korea feel insecurity over health
- May 20, 2010
- Delegation of A-bomb survivors receives strong response in the U.S.
- May 19, 2010
- NPT Watch: Steady diplomatic efforts by conference president
- May 19, 2010
- Musicians from A-bombed nation of Japan and nuclear weapon states share U.S. stage for success of NPT confab
- May 18, 2010
- NPT Review Conference reaches midpoint
- May 18, 2010
- Bulgarian ambassador meets with Hiroshima mayor
- May 17, 2010
- NPT confab calls for international conference for nuclear abolition in 2014
- May 14, 2010
- American students learn about Hiroshima through recitation of A-bomb poems
- May 13, 2010
- Hiroshima mayor returns from NPT confab, reports momentum for nuclear abolition
- May 13, 2010
- Israeli foreign minister speaks at Japan National Press Club
- May 13, 2010
- Joint statement led by Japan calls for promotion of nuclear disarmament education
- May 12, 2010
- Main Committees 2 and 3 begin debate at NPT Review Conference
- May 12, 2010
- NPT Watch 2010: Wishing for the appeal of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to be heard
- May 11, 2010
- University researchers seek to link map to A-bombing-related data
- May 11, 2010
- Hiroshima mayor delivers speech at NPT Review Conference, calls for political will in pursuit of nuclear abolition
- May 10, 2010
- A-bomb exhibition stirs flow of tears
- May 10, 2010
- A-bomb survivor from Nagasaki shares his account at NPT conference
- May 10, 2010
- Discussion begins in committee on nuclear disarmament
- May 10, 2010
- Active diplomacy by mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for nuclear abolition
- May 10, 2010
- A-bomb survivors visiting New York for NPT confab receive strong support
- May 10, 2010
- English DVD for overseas promotion available at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
- May 10, 2010
- NPT discussions to start after addresses by state representatives
- May 10, 2010
- Speaker of Swedish parliament visits Peace Memorial Museum
- May 7, 2010
- Visitors to A-bomb exhibition in New York are struck speechless
- May 7, 2010
- A-bomb survivors share accounts at 40 venues in and around New York
- May 7, 2010
- Nuclear weapon states touch on Middle East Resolution
- May 7, 2010
- Computer animated footage of former Nakajima District screened at U.N.
- May 7, 2010
- March in New York numbers 10,000, with A-bomb survivors, to appeal for a nuclear-free world
- May 7, 2010
- Mayors for Peace seeks to step up campaign in pursuit of nuclear abolition
- May 7, 2010
- NPT representative from Japan urges members to reaffirm abolition effort
- May 6, 2010
- Iran and U.S. trade accusations at start of NPT Review Conference