

世界のリーダーよ 広島で学べ ジャクソン・ブラウンさん 平和願いメッセージ 








Q 現在のツアーメンバーはご自身が理想のバンドと言われています。 前回の来日公演から更に熟成されたパフォーマンスが期待されますが、今回はどんなステージ、曲目になりますか?

This is my all-time favorite band. Greg Leisz and Val McCallum are constantly improvising and playing to each other, and they inspire the whole band.
今のが一番好きなバンドだ。Greg LeiszとVal McCallumは常にインプロビゼーションをしていて、お互い刺激し合いながらバンド全体をインスパイアしている。

Also, we are bringing both of my singers, Chavonne and Alethea, who together have a unique sound, and who make it possible for to get into some "deep cuts" for our set list each night.

And Jeff Young, whose singing and organ playing give my music it's emotional backdrop, is joined by Bob Glaub and Mauricio Lewak on bass and drums, making this my best rhythm section to date.
Jeff Youngの歌とオルガンは私の音楽の背景を成し、ベースとドラムはBob GlaubとMauricio Lewakで、これまでで最高のリズムセクションだ。

Q 今までライブ・アルバムをリリースしていませんでしたが、ここにきて「Live In Japan」のリリースが発表されました。何か日本のファンに対する特別な思いがあってリリースを決められたのでしょうか?

There was a very special feeling in our shows during the last tour.

It gave me the idea of releasing some of the highlights of the tour as a memento for my fans.

This recording reflects the feeling of those shows. I think of it as a companion to my latest studio album, Standing In The Breach.
このレコーディングは私のショーに対する気持ちを表している。最新スタジオアルバムStanding In The Breachのコンパニオンアルバムと思っている。

Q 「Live In Japan」に収録されている”The Crow On The Cradle”のMCでは広島に対する思いが語られています。今回のツアーにも広島公演が予定されていますが、広島のファンの前でプレイすることで気持ちの変化はありますか?

I was asked by a fan during our Hiroshima show - "Jackson! Don't forget Hiroshima!"

As I said then, Hiroshima holds a special place in our hearts.

For all those who continue to work for a non-nuclear future and a world without the threat of nuclear weapons, Hiroshima illustrates that it is the innocent who pay the price for the world's wars - children and women and the elderly.

All the leaders of the world should come to Hiroshima and study the effects of a nuclear blast.

If they did, they could never imagine "the nuclear option" as a resolution to conflict.

Q ラブソングとともに政治状況や核問題に警告を鳴らす歌も世に出しています。(例えばLives In The Balance)。現在の米政権のありようや北朝鮮をめぐる国際政治状況は、あなたの目にどう映っていますか?

What is happening now with North Korea and the United States, where two clearly unstable leaders are threatening each other for the benefit of their own standing in the eyes their own people, and in so doing, threaten the entire world with nuclear holocaust - is is this very scenario that the world has feared since nuclear proliferation began.

I wish that it was not my country that has allowed this situation to progress to the very brink of nuclear war.

I do not have to explain why Kim-un Jong is the leader of North Korea... he is a dictator.

But I cannot explain why Donald Trump is the President of the United States, except to say that it is the failure of my country's political system, and of our culture.

Q 来日公演を楽しみにしているファンにメッセージをお願いします。

I am grateful for the chance to make my music in your country again. あなたの国で再び自分の音楽を弾けることにとても感謝している。

It is always a pleasure to be with you, and I hope my songs and my band continue to give you good feelings in the moment, insight into the nature and meaning of this shared life, and the courage we all need to find our purpose in this world.
