Hiroshima: 70 Years After the A-bombing
- 15/08/20
- Hiroshima: 70 Years After the A-bombing Part 19
- 15/08/03
- Hiroshima: 70 Years After the A-bombing: Mobilized Students 8
- 15/07/31
- Hiroshima: 70 Years After the A-bombing: Mobilized Students 7
- 15/07/24
- Hiroshima: 70 Years After the A-bombing: Message to the future; Mobilized as teenagers, senseless deaths
- 15/07/14
- Hiroshima: 70 Years After the A-bombing: Mobilized Students 6
Hiroshima Asks
- 16/06/01
- Hiroshima Asks: Toward the 70th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing: The “Value” of Plutonium
- 15/12/07
- Hiroshima Asks: Toward the 70th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing: Obama’s vow to pursue nuclear abolition lacks substance
- 15/12/07
- Hiroshima asks: Toward the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing
- 15/08/07
- Hiroshima Asks: Toward the 70th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing: Next Steps Toward Nuclear Abolition, Conclusion
- 15/08/05
- Hiroshima Asks: Toward the 70th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing: Time to seize public opinion to advance nuclear abolition
Messages from Mayors for Peace
- 15/10/09
- Peace messages from overseas members of Mayors for Peace: Iran
- 15/10/09
- Peace messages from overseas members of Mayors for Peace: Germany
- 15/10/09
- Peace messages from overseas members of Mayors for Peace 3
- 15/10/09
- Peace messages from overseas members of Mayors for Peace 2
- 15/10/09
- Peace messages from overseas members of Mayors for Peace 1